Constipation is inevitable if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, don't take fibre rich food and drink less water.
Constipation affects all ages of people. If you have dry, hard or difficult to pass stools then you are constipated. Another consideration for constipation is if you have not passed stools for more than 3 days.
Constipation is a very uncomfortable situation and at times it can be really agonizing and painful. Stool becomes hard and difficult to pass. If constipation becomes chronic then it can lead to many complications including hemorrhoids.
Mastitis or breast infection is a common problem for many first time mothers. Others who are more at risks are the mothers who already had mastitis. A bacteria Staphylococcus aureus gets its way to the breast through a cut or crack causing infection.
Shoulder tendonitis is one of the most common complaints of shoulder pain. The rotator cuff tendons get irritated and inflamed by repetitive activities that require lifting of the arm above your head. It affects range of motion. The tendon that mostly gets affected is supraspinatus tendon.
Pinworm infection mainly affects young school age children due to lack of hand washing hygiene.
Did you know that Pinworms are the most common parasite human infections in the United States? Pinworms mostly affect school going children of the age 5-10 years. These thin white worms are about 3 mm - 12 mm in length.
If you are planning to get rid of armpit fat then you have to maintain discipline of regular exercise and diet control. It requires time, effort and patience to achieve goals of weight loss. You simply can't reduce fat from your armpit alone or any other part of the body in isolation. Weight happens to the entire body.
Plantar warts are small growth in the sole of your feet. They can be painful as they are located on the pressure area of your feet. This pressure also causes plantar warts to get pushed inside the skin (callus).
Warts are not only ugly and unsightly growth on your body but they can also be very painful.
Whiteheads are nothing but mild acne that are formed by accumulation of sebum, dead skin cells, debris and bacteria clogging the pores. Sebum is the natural oil produced by sebaceous glands. Whiteheads are round shaped small white bumps on your face, neck, shoulders or back. If you have acne you are likely to get whiteheads.
Allergies are natural defence reactions of our immune system fighting with potentially harmful or even harmless substances in the environment. Everyone gets affected by it once in a while.
Bladder infections occur when bacteria enters the urethra, gets into the bladder and attached to the wall. They are the most common types of urinary tract infection (UTI).
Vitiligo is a skin condition where certain skin areas in your body are bereft of pigmentation. Those areas appear as white patches which grow in size as you age. Vitiligo doesn't affect your overall health but it can have an impact on your self esteem. It is more prominent on dark skin people due to the contrast in skin colors.
Motion sickness can be a spoiler if you are on a fun trip. The enjoyment of a long car ride almost comes to an end when you begin to feel sick inside your stomach.
Chafing in the groin area is common among athletes and overweight people. If it is severe then chafing can make walking difficult. It gets worse with continuous sweating.
When you have acid reflux then there is always a question in your mind as to what can you drink or eat to get relief?
Dandruff is a common scalp problem that affects many. If you are one who got it then you know the trouble. You want to stop dandruff as soon as possible as the itchy scalp (seborrheic dermatitis) and the white flakes of dead skin your scalp is shading are embarrassing and inconvenient.
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits and almost everyone loves them. It is full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Banana is rich in vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, magnesium and potassium.
Do you have trouble getting to sleep at night?
If yes then you are not alone. More than 50 million Americans have problems sleeping.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease in which white patches of skin appear on the body. These patches represent lack of skin pigmentation. Our immune system begins to consider melanin (which gives pigmentation to the skin) as a threat so attacks it. As a result pigmentation is lost and skin looks white.
Cough can be viral, bacterial or allergic. In all these cases your body tries to eliminate the irritants from air passage by force of lungs resulting in cough.
Pain that persists even after the source of pain has disappeared is considered chronic pain. It impacts your personal professional and social life.
Sleep has become a modern lifestyle problem. Between one third to a half of American population is taking sleeping pills or other medical help to get sleep. Not only that, insomnia has really become a serious problem throughout the world.
Acne tops the list of blemishes you don't want on your face. In fact you don't want them anywhere on your body. Rosemary essential oil can help you to get rid of these ugly acne from your beautiful face effectively.
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) whether it is in your toenail or fingernails is not only an ugly sight but is also difficult to remove. Toenail fungus infection is more common than the infection in the fingernails. Some people are more prone to get it therefore they have to be more careful.
If you are planning weight loss for health reasons then try psyllium husk. It will work on your digestion system to make you eat less calories and also avoid fluid retention which are the two main causes of putting on extra weight on otherwise healthy people.
Constipation simply means either your bowel movements are fewer than normal or are tougher. No one is spared of it. Occasionally everyone goes through a constipated stage.
It is estimated that approximately 80% of the US population is infected with cold sores. The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) that causes cold sores generally remains dormant for decades. An outbreak can occur when immunity is low. Even after treatment of cold sore outbreaks can recur sometime in future. These sores also known as fever blisters are highly contagious. You need to be extra careful of not touching the blisters as well as not sharing any personal effects with others. You can treat them at home. Go for Tea tree oil which is very effective natural remedy for cold sores. Even some cold sore creams contain tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil is a highly versatile essential oil used for many skin conditions including acne, dandruff and toenail and other infections. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal capabilities, it is also used as disinfectant for cleaning.