Carbohydrate rich bread

5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake

You may have begun to believe that carbohydrates are not essential food items for you. That is partially true. First of all you have to realize that though carbs are not essential, there are a lot of carbs that contain many other essential nutrients. Therefore it is very important to consider these nutrients before reducing your carbs intake.

Meditation for high pulse rate

How to Slow Down High Pulse Rate

Your suddenly rising pulse rate is telling you a story. Listen to the story properly every time because at different times there may be different reasons for the high pulse rate. Your first step in most cases should be to slow down the high pulse rate at home, but in some cases you just have to call 911. If your resting pulse rate suddenly goes beyond 100-150 or higher then it may be a heart attack, call the emergency room.

Long hair

5 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

The rate at which your hair grows is programmed in your genetic code. It generally grows 10-12mm per month. If you want to make your hair grow faster, then you have to change the genetic code.having said that there are a number of ways that can help your hair grow better.

Vitamin C for low platelet count

How to Increase a Low Platelet Count - Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

Ever wondered how the blood clots and stops flying out from a small cut or the wound? The tiny cells called platelets in the blood are responsible for stopping the excess of loss of blood from your body.

Sage for Gingivitis

How to Get Rid of Gingivitis

Anyone can suffer from gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common mild gum disease affecting more than 50% of the adult population . It is so mild in early stages that it's easy to ignore it and let it grow into full-blown gingivitis.

Licorice for Fever Blisters

How to Get Rid of Fever Blisters

Fever blisters can easily be misunderstood as canker sores. The biggest difference is that the canker sores are mouth ulcers, whereas fever blisters or cold sores generally appear on lips, cheeks, chin and nostrils which are all frontal visible parts of your personality.

loofah to exfoliate

How to Exfoliate - Removing Dead Skin from the Body

Exfoliate means removing dead skins from your body. When you are young your entire skin cells replaced every 20 days. This changes as you age and by the time you in your early thirties the skin replenishment go to 30-40 days and Beyond. 

Papaya for excessive burping

How to Stop Excessive Burping

These 5 simple home remedies will help you to get rid of the burping . Most of the time when you overeat or you eat certain foods that you eat forces you to burp.

Picture of a hangnail

How to Get Rid of Hangnails

You can remove hangnails in many simple ways. They are annoying and painful and you do not have to keep it as they are. Just get rid of them.

Walk to improve metabolism

How to Boost Your Metabolism

You can boost your metabolism by different methods including changing lifestyle. It may not be right to blame your family alone for your slow metabolism. Though you may be genetically predisposed for slow metabolism, you can do a lot to change that genetic code.

An adult biting nails

Natural Remedies to Stop Nail Biting

Stop nail biting can be easier said than done particularly when you have developed a habit of biting your nails. Whether you are a child or an adult nail biting can lead to more serious conditions if this habit is not changed.

Fruits for skin whitening

How to Lighten Skin Naturally

Who does not want a flawless and radiant skin?. Your facial skin is your silent expression that makes you look good or dull. Each color of skin has its own charm, particularly when it is glowing and radiant. Some people prefer to lighten their skin and there are ways in which you can achieve that objective.

Honey Aloe Vera for blind pimples

How To Get Rid of A Blind Pimple

Blind pimple (closed comedone) generally headless acne is very painful. It is located deep under the surface of the skin and is close to the nerves on the face and head. It grows slowly and stay longer on the face so the pain period is also longer than the normal acne.

Clear and Bright Eyes

How to Get Clear Eyes: Bright and White

Eyes are world and its importance can not be overemphasized. You not only see the word through your eyes but the world sees your inner beauty through you clear sparkling bright white eyes.

Bunion on foot

How to Get Rid of Bunions Naturally

Bunions (hallux valgus deformities) are the large bumpy lumps that abnormally form at the bases of the big toes. This additional bone growth along with misalignment of the big toe causes it to form a visible protruded lump.

Tilting head to remove water from ear

How to Get Water Out of Your Ear

Water can easily find its way to your ear during swimming, shower or bath if you are not careful. usually the ear wax in the ear canal will prevent it from going deep inside the ear, but the water can get trapped in the ear canal causing tickling sensation and discomfort.

Papaya for facial hair

How to Remove Hair from Face Naturally

If you are a woman you do not want hair on your visible skin area such as face, back, hands and legs. These unwanted hair grow due to hormonal imbalance in the body, menstrual cycle irregularities and by taking certain medications during pregnancy.

Watermelon for blood circulation

How to Improve Blood Circulation

You can improve your blood circulation in a number of different ways. Changing lifestyle and eating habits go a long way in not only increasing blood circulation as well as in improving overall quality of life.

Walnuts for amnesia

How to Cure Amnesia

Amnesia means loss of memory. People with amnesia lose their ability to memorize data or are unable to recall data from the memory. Amnesia is not being forgetful.

 Alcohol on the rocks

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol

If you decide to stop drinking alcohol for health reasons or otherwise, then stick to your decision. You can do it. Although, giving up alcoholism may appear to be impossible, but with your commitment and readiness to take help, you can achieve your objective to stop drinking.

Varicose veins on legs

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins or spider veins look ugly on your leg. Women are more prone to varicose veins than men. Some people may feel tenderness, itching, heaviness or mild swelling in your leg, but most people do not feel any symptoms of varicose veins.

Leg muscle pain

How to Relieve Muscle Pain

When you overexert in a sport, gym or any other activity, your muscles take all the pressure. Next day you suddenly realize that you can barely move or lift anything and your muscles are aching.

Shaving razors

How to Get Rid of Shaving Bumps: Razor and Bikini Burns

While shaving on face men sometimes are faced with minor burning sensation and red rashes called razor burns. Even women who are used to shave their arm, armpits,legs and bikini area get these burns and rashes.

Ginger lemon for phlegm

How to Get Rid of Phlegm

Nasal mucus is a protective clear viscous liquid in the nose to prevent external harmful particles to enter your body. Sometimes, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract produces excessive mucus (phlegm) due to inflammation it requires attention.

Peeling skin on fingers

How to Stop Peeling Skin on Fingers Near Nails

Skin peeling on fingertips is a very common problem. Skin around fingertips is sensitive and if you don't take proper care then there are many factors which can cause the skin to peel off.


How to Relieve Neck Pain

Cervical spine which gives support to head and range of motion to the neck is also susceptible to injury and pain. A common neck pain problem can be cause by any abnormal movement or position of the cervical spine.

Hair tweezers

How to Remove Ingrown Hair

Anyone can get ingrown hair, but if you are a man with curly hair then you are more likely to get them. Your hair tip curls back into the skin and grows inside the skin causing painful rashes.

Clay for clogged pores

How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores

Dead skin cells, oil, dirt and many other impurities can clog your facial pores. This can lead to blackheads and acne.

cold feet

How to Cure Cold Feet and Legs

There are numerous medical conditions that can cause cold feet. Among the most common causes are anemia, anxiety, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, malnutrition and sub-optimally functioning blood circulation system. A nerve damage also can cause cold feet.

Broken legs

How to Heal Broken Bones Fast

Most broken bones are caused by accidents such as a fall, sports injury, car or any other accident. Osteoarthritis is another cause of bone fracture in older age people. Children often get fractures due to their carelessness during playing.