How to Get Rid of Armpit Fat

If you are planning to get rid of armpit fat then you have to maintain discipline of regular exercise and diet control. It requires time, effort and patience to achieve goals of weight loss. You simply can't reduce fat from your armpit alone or any other part of the body in isolation. Weight happens to the entire body.

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What is Armpit Fat?

Armpit fat is the excess fat that gets accumulated on the skin around your armpits. It is also known as armpit lump or armpit bulge.

Since fat content of the chest area is high particularly in women due to their breasts, chances of fat accumulation at the armpits are high.

A wrong size of bra can also push some breast fat towards the arms which should have been inside the bra. The combined effect is unsightly visible armpit fat.

So, when summer comes, suddenly you become more conscious about the armpit fat. Wearing sleeveless clothes makes it more prominent.

So, you begin to wonder how to get rid of this ugly armpit rash.

Well, it is not easy but it is doable.

But first understand…


Why Armpit Fat is Difficult to Remove?

In fact fat accumulated in any part of the body is difficult to remove. As you age it becomes even more difficult.

If your upper body doesn't make enough natural movements it you don't do any exercise or sports that muscles near armpits don't get toned.

Fat slowly begins to build up in certain areas of the body more than the other area. Armpits are one of those areas of your body where fat easily gets accumulated.

It takes years of accumulated fat to begin to make ugly appearance and stay.

In addition if your mother and aunts also have it then it is genetic too in your case.

All these factors make it difficult to remove armpit fat.

Though it is difficult you certainly can get rid of it with the following home remedies.

3 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Armpit Fat

1. Eat Right to Reduce Weight

As you know you simply can't reduce fat from just one area of your body. Fat melts all over your body.

So,you have to eat right to remove the main cause of extra fat around your armpits and rest of the body.

Review your current diet and make the required changes that helps you to reduce weight.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, consume more plant based proteins and avoid junk food.

Sometimes you may have to eat less and the other time you just have to avoid certain foods and replace them with certain healthy foods.

That is why you have to review your food habits and work on them to naturaly lose weight all around your body.

You will not only feel good but also look.

With that motivation you have to have commitment and patience.

Once the fat begins to reduce your next priority to tone muscles around your armpits.

In fact, you have to begin the exercises simultaneously to reduce armpit fat fast.


2. Exercise with Dumbbells

15-20 minutes of dumbbell exercises daily will help you to achieve your fat reduction goal fast.

  • Lie down on an exercise mat
  • Take 4-5 kg dumbbell in each hand
  • Spread your hands perpendicular to your body
  • Slowly bring both Dumbbells up to touch each other well above your chest.
  • Slowly bring them back on floor by stretching your hands back to original position

Watch this video for better understanding.

In addition, to this you can do 5 minute sit ups on an armchair.

Motivate yourself to stay committed for the next day, one day at a time daily so that you don't give it up.

3. Manage Your Stress Well

Excessive stress is one of the main causes of putting up extra weight.

Do some relaxation rituals. Deep breathing helps.

Do whatever that reduces stress. Play music, sing or just chill.

You got the point.

Other Tips and Precautions

Remember you are not only trying to get rid of that unsightly armpit fat but also trying to stop what builds it up.

Take these extra precautions to avoid getting back the lost fat.

  • Stay active. Sedentary life builds up fat
  • Avoid all types of sodas and sugary drinks
  • Stop eating fatty junk foods
  • Reduce salt intake. Salt causes water retention that swells body.

Have patience. It will time but you will lose fat with commitment to lose it.