There are a number of effective natural remedies for sunburn, apple cider vinegar is also one of them. This acidic product does not logically fit the bill to treat sunburn, but it is being used for ages.
Experience Reveals Baking Soda Also Works Effectively on Blemishes and Pigmentation.
This home remedy will lighten your dark facial and body skin effectively quickly and make your skin fair and bright.
Dandruff is a very common problem. If you are also suffering from it but don't know what to do then read on. Dandruff is the white flakes of dead skin cells that your scalp sheds.
Your lips can become dry and chapped anytime of the year, it's not just restricted to the winter season. Your lip licking habit can drain the moisture out of your lips to look chapped. The weather and other atmospheric conditions are some of the most common causes of chapped lips.
White and healthy teeth can improve your facial charm and boost confidence. If they are yellow or stained then don't fret. You can whiten your teeth by adding baking soda to your toothpaste or buy one containing it.
Your stained teeth not only are socially embarrassing but also can cause damage to your overall dental health over a long period of time. They are mainly caused by bad oral hygiene.
Regular brushing in the right way can stop dental erosion.
Cold sores also known as fever blisters are caused by a highly contagious herpes simplex virus Type 1 (HSV 1). Breakouts usually occur around the lips, nose and chin. They are tiny, fluid filled and painful blisters. They are spread with intimate personal contact or contact with the utensils, razors, towels or other shared items.
Chia seeds not only improve your immune system but are also great for the beauty of your hair and skin. These tiny diminutive seeds belonging to the mint family are a powerhouse of health benefits.
Hemorrhoids are the real pain in the anus area. You are in a most awkward situation as the pain continues in sitting, standing and sleeping positions.
Apple cider vinegar is a wonder drink that offers multiple health benefits including weight loss, lower blood pressure and controlling diabetes.
If you see raised red plaques with white scales particularly on your knees, elbows and scalp, then it is most likely psoriasis. It can also affect other skin areas of your body including palm, soles of feet and torso.
If you have oily skin then the good news is that it will age gracefully and you will have less wrinkles as compared to the dry skin. But, the bad news is that you may develop blackheads, whiteheads, acne and other skin irritants easily.
Impetigo treatment depends on the severity of the infection. You can get rid of mild impetigo at home but for severe impetigo you must consult your doctor.
Are you feeling low often for no apparent reason? You may have a deficiency of serotonin, a hormone responsible to make you feel happy.
Are you exhaling bad breath? Before you answer this question it's very much possible that you may not even be aware that you are doing so. And if you are aware of it then you may find it embarrassing to open your mouth to talk to people.
If you get occasional muscle cramps then it is normal, however if you get muscle cramps more often than it is generally a reflection of nutrient deficiencies.
One of the toughest urges to control for healthy living is sugar craving.
It is a desire of the brain to eat something sweet, not a body's need for food. Body is a slave of subconscious habits developed in the mind.
Women experience these cravings more often than men.
Those who are addicted to cola, chocolates, candies, or plain simple carbohydrates will crave sugar. They know the feeling. It is just impossible to avoid it.
Cravings must be curbed to stay fit and healthy.
Let's understand how you can stop sugar craving effectively?
Turmeric has been in culinary and medicinal use for ages. It is one of the most common herbs found in Indian curries. Ayurveda and western medicines extensively use it for many therapeutic and preventative measures to combat diseases and conditions.
Why should you drink enough water?
We all drink water every day without really knowing how much water we need to drink daily. Interestingly most of us drink less water than required and hardly few people drink enough water.
You may be suffering for decades from zinc deficiency and wouldn't even know it. That is the irony. Most people get less zinc than their body requires and the numbers of such people are on the rise. It is almost like an epidemic. 1 in every 3 people is zinc deficient.
Can Sweet Potato Lower Your Blood Pressure?
Sweet potato not only reduces your blood pressure but also reduces your blood sugar. It is a low calorie highly nutritional plant food.
If you are facing muscle aches or spasms, anxiety, sleeping problems and poor digestion then chances are that you are suffering from magnesium deficiency.
Staying hydrated throughout the day is vital for good health. Yet most people are always dehydrated. Your best bet to stay hydrated is to keep drinking a glass of water every hour during the day.In addition to get more health benefits you can add some other natural ingredients to your water to make a detox water.
Our normal body temperature range is 36.5–37.5 degrees Celsius or 97.7–99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature rises above these levels then the condition is called heat stress or raised body heat. The condition shouldn't be taken lightly as it can lead to potentially fatal heat strokes.
Your pulse rate measures how many times your heart beats per minute and is an indicator of your fitness. It keeps changing from time to time depending on your activities then what is normal and what is a high pulse rate ? The technical name for high pulse rate is tachycardia.
Understand the Kind of Headache Before Treating It
Unless you know exactly what type of headache is giving you a tough time, you can't get proper relief. Your treatment depends on the kind of headache you are suffering from.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and released in the blood stream.It regulates how your body uses and stores glucose and fat.Insulin plays a vital role in the way the digested food is converted to energy. It allows your body cells to use glucose (sugar) for energy.
Environmental toxins can fill up the lungs with tiny particles that obstruct the effective functioning of the lungs. You require a periodic detox of lungs to keep you healthy and fit. Otherwise lung disorders will deteriorate quality of life and even can lead to premature death.
There was a time, not so long ago, when people used to treat their thinning hair only with home remedies. Now with so many chemical products and laser treatments available to treat hair loss, natural methods still remain the best ways to maintain thick hair on your head.
Who doesn't like smooth skin? Rough and patchy skin spoils the beauty of your face. If you have acne and other blemishes on your skin then it makes it even more frustrating.