Tea Tree Oil for Cold Sores - Pain Relief and Treatment

It is estimated that approximately 80% of the US population is infected with cold sores. The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) that causes cold sores generally remains dormant for decades. An outbreak can occur when immunity is low. Even after treatment of cold sore outbreaks can recur sometime in future. These sores also known as fever blisters are highly contagious. You need to be extra careful of not touching the blisters as well as not sharing any personal effects with others. You can treat them at home. Go for Tea tree oil which is very effective natural remedy for cold sores. Even some cold sore creams contain tea tree oil.

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Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Cold Sores?

Tea tree oil (melaleuca alternifolia) originated in Australia but now widely available everywhere is a very potent antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory oil.

It reduces pain caused by cold sore blisters due to its anti-inflammatory capabilities and expedites the healing process due to antiviral properties. A research study study also revealed its antiviral effectiveness on herpes virus (1).

You should begin to use treatment with tea tree oil as soon as you begin to get first signs of tingling and itching sensation related to cold sores.

In most cases you have to dilute it before use.


How to Dilute Tea Tree Oil for Cold Sores?

Direct topical use of 100% concentrated tea tree oil can burn the skin. You can dilute it in many different ways.

In general carrier oils are used to dilute tea tree oil and other essential oils.

Most applications given under require dilution and how to dilute tea tree oil in each case is appropriatly described in each application.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Cold Sores?

It is important to treat cold sores in the early stages to get best results.

  • Do not use tea tree oil on open blisters or on any cuts in the skin as it will give excruciating pain.
  • Always do a patch test on your arm skin to ensure that no allergic reaction or burning occurs. If required dilute it more before applying on the affected area.
  • Use moisturizer 30 minutes after applying tea tree oil as it dries out the skin. When it is diluted with other carrier oil then dryness risk reduces.

Use one or more of the following methods to treat cold sores.

1. Tea Tree oil

  • Mix 1 drop of tea tree oil and 5 drops of water in a teaspoon or a small bowl
  • Apply the mix on the cold sore blister with q-tip
  • Throw away q-tip in a safe place. Take another qtip to cover more areas. Never dip the used qtip again in the mix.
  • Do it 2-3 times daily.


2. Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil

Aloe vera also gives pain relief from cold sores.

  • Add 2 drops of tea tree oil in ¼ teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel. Use a reputed brand pure aloe vera gel if you can't access fresh leaves.
  • Apply in the blisters with q-tips. Don't dip used q-tip in the mix again.
  • Use another q-tip if you need to cover more area.

3. Tea Tree oil and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil itself is a good remedy for cold sores. Combined with tea tree oil it becomes more effective.

  • Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil oil with ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Apply on the affected area of blisters with q-tips. Don't dip used q-tip again in the mix
  • Do it 2-3 times a day

Other Tips and Precautions

  • Eat healthy foods, exercise and sleep well to maintain high immunity to prevent an outbreak of cold sores
  • Do not touch the blisters
  • Avoid sharing towels and other personal effects with others
  • No kissing until the blisters are completely healed.

You may get many outbreaks of cold sores within a month or may not get any recurrence ever. But when you get it use natural remedies like tea tree oil which has no side effects.