oregano oil for hpv

Oregano Oil for HPV

HPV stands for human papillomavirus which is the most common sexually transmitted infection that generally goes away itself.

Only some infections of HPV turn into genital warts and cancer. Only two specific stents of HPV cause genital warts out of the known 120 different varieties.

Since the symptoms of hpv infection develops years after the actual infection, therefore it is almost impossible to know from whom you got it

HPV is preventable with vaccines. However if you have got the infection and have physical symptoms in the form of genital warts then oregano oil and other powerful natural antiviral and antifungal agents can help to get rid of them.

Always consult your doctor before using oregano oil for hpv.

Table of Contents

How Does Oregano Oil Treat HPV?

Oregano Oil possesses antibiotic properties without any side to rival conventional antibiotics. It also possesses good antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial capabilities.

The phenols (phenolic glycosides) such as carvacrol, cymene and thymol in oregano oil are powerful phytonutrients that give antioxidant effects.


These compounds work by breaking through the outer skin membranes of your skin to kill harmful microorganisms like HPV.

Oregano works in the same ways as some of the conventional antibiotics to kill the human papillomavirus. It then stops the growth of the wart as well as prevent other warts.

How to Use Oregano Oil for HPV?

You can use oregano oil alone or with other antiviral essential oils to get rid of HPV. Oregano Oil also is available in diluted form in different carrier oils. But it is better to buy 100% oregano oil.

1. Diluted Oregano Oil

  • Wash your wart affected area with warm water and Pat it dry with tissues
  • Discard the used tissues
  • Add3 drops of oregano oil in ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Mix well
  • Apply on every wart with qtip
  • Let it be there
  • Repeat it after 3-4 hours
  • Do 4-5 times daily

2. Oregano Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil also possesses antiviral and antifungal capabilities.

  • Wash and dry the affected area
  • Add 2 drops of oregano oil, 5 drops of tea tree oil in ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Mix well
  • Apply a thin layer on warts with qtip
  • Leave it there until next application
  • Do it 4-5 times daily


3. Oregano Oil and Garlic Paste

Garlic has a compound called allicin that is a powerful antiviral and antifungal agent.

  • Wash and dry the affected skin area of warts
  • Crush a garlic clove and extract juice.
  • Add 2 drops of oregano oil
  • Add ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Mix well
  • Apply on the warts and leave it
  • Repeat it after 3 hours
  • Do it 3-4 times a day

This is a very effective remedy for hpv infection. The only disadvantage is that garlic smell lingers on. But it is a good compromise in exchange for getting rid of the infection.

If the prepared quantities are less than make more with the same ratios. You can add more drops of oregano oil if your skin can take it. Higher oregano content is more potent. Experiment and find your best proportions of dilution

Other Tips and Precautions

Prevention is better than cure. Use following precautions to prevent and treat HPV.

  • Avoid sex with anyone who has visible signs of HPV in the form of genital or oral warts
  • Stick to one partner for sex and convince that partner to stick to you to avoid mist if the sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Use condoms to reduce the risks.
  • Eat diet rich in vitamin c and selenium.
  • Add probiotics foods such as yogurt and fermented vegetables in your daily diet
  • Consume garlic and ginger daily
  • Drink antiviral elderberry and echinacea tea
  • Always use diluted oregano oil in a carrier oil.

If you get an allergic reaction which is rare but possible then stop using oregano oil..

Bottomline is, be careful as hpv is a contagious viral sexually transmitted disease which has no cure. Consult your doctor even if you use home remedies.