celery for weight loss

How to Use Celery for Weight Loss

Celery is a healthy low calorie diet food to give you weight loss benefits. You can use it along with other healthy food items to achieve your objective of losing weight.

You can add celery to your snacks and meals. You can also make juice or soups to enjoy its taste and benefit from it.

When your diet is right and you engage yourself in exercise then your body fats begin to melt and you become slim and fit again.

Table of Contents

Celery Nutrition and Why It Helps in Weight Loss

Celery is a low calorie food packed with nutritions.100 grams of celery has only 16 calories. Other nutrients as as under according to USDA

Water g 95.43
Energy kcal 14
Protein g 0.69
Total lipid (fat) g 0.17
Carbohydrate, by difference g 2.97
Fiber, total dietary g 1.6
Sugars, total g 1.34
Calcium, Ca mg 40
Iron, Fe mg 0.2
Magnesium, Mg mg 11
Phosphorus, P mg 24
Potassium, K mg 260
Sodium, Na mg 80
Zinc, Zn mg 0.13
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 3.1
Thiamin mg 0.021
Riboflavin mg 0.057
Niacin mg 0.32
Vitamin B-6 mg 0.074
Folate, DFE µg 36
Vitamin A, RAE µg 22
Vitamin A, IU IU 449
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) mg 0.27
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) µg 29.3
Fatty acids, total saturated g 0.042
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated g 0.032
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated g 0.079
Fatty acids, total trans g 0
Cholesterol mg 0

The low calorie no cholesterol celery packed with many other nutrients is an ideal food for weight reduction. You can use it with other similar food items to work on your weight.


Celery Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Eating celery all alone throughout the day may reduce your weight but you will not enjoy it. You may give it up quickly to get back to your original unhealthy diet soon.

In order to get the best out of celery, you should use it along with other healthy low calorie food items.

You need to make a diet plan that not only meets your weight fat objectives, but should also be attractive to your taste buds. Following are a number of different ways you can use celery alone and along with other food items.

Commit yourself and begin your celery diet plan today.

1. Celery Salads


1 cup sliced celery
1 cup thin sliced green apples
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon
1 small onion thinly sliced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper


  • Mix all chopped apple, celery, onion and parsley
  • Spindle pinch of salt and pepper
  • Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin oil
  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add
  • Mix well and eat

Eat this salad daily. You can change the vegetables and fruits to get a different taste. Keep the celery in every salad.

2. Celery Water for Weight Loss


2 stalks of rinsed and chopped celery
1 lemon
½ liter water
1 tablespoon honey


  • Fill a jar with 500ml water
  • Squeeze juice of one lemon and add
  • Add a pinch of salt
  • Mix well
  • Store it in refrigerator
  • Drink it after 4 hours
  • Add 1 tablespoon honey if you prefer otherwise you can drink it without honey.

3. Celery Juice to Reduce Fat


1 cup rinsed and chopped celery stalks
500ml water


  • Toss chopped celery stalks to a mixer blender jar
  • Add 100 ml water
  • Blend
  • Add the balance 400 ml water and blend
  • Drink it first thing in the in the morning empty stomach
  • Do it daily

4. Celery Soup to Lose Weight


2 celery stalks with some healthy leaves rinsed and chopped fine
1 medium size peeled and chopped onion
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 liter water
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


  • Fry the chopped onions in olive oil in a saucepan until onions turn brown in about 5 minutes
  • Add celery to the saucepan and fry for another 10 minutes
  • Pour water slowly and place the lid on saucepan.
  • Let it simmer for 30 minutes until the celery becomes tender
  • Remove saucepan from the heat
  • Put cooked celery in a blender after it cools a little
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • Put it back in the saucepan and heat a little
  • Sprinkle some celery or parsley leaves on top and eat

5. Celery Smoothie


1 small sized peeled pineapple
2 peeled cucumbers
100 gram celery
1 lemon
Pinch of salt


  • Remove the center core of the pineapple and chop pineapple in small pieces
  • Cut the 2 peeled cucumbers in 4-6 pieces
  • Chop celery in to small pieces
  • Toss all the ingredients in a blender juicer
  • Extract juice from lemon and add
  • Run the mixer and blend all ingredients
  • Drink a glass of smoothie now and keep the rest in refrigerator for further use during the day
  • Do it daily


Other Celery Health Benefits in Addition to Losing Weight

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Treats high blood pressure
  • Fights infections
  • Improves digestion
  • Stops bloating
  • Prevents urinary tract infections
  • Fights inflammation
  • Lowers cancer risks
  • Prevents ulcers

With so many benefits you simply can't afford to ignore celery. Add to your diet to stay healthy and reduce weight

Tips and Precautions

Celery oil and celery seeds are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Large amount can make uterus to contract and may lead to miscarriage.

Excess consumption of celery can cause:

  • Allergic reaction in some sensitive people who are allergic to other plant foods
  • Kidney inflammations
  • Gout
  • Fluid Retention
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Digestion problems
  • Muscle and joint pains

In order to achieve your weight loss goals you will need to do regular exercise, eat a healthy low calorie diet and sleep well. Celery certainly helps but other disciplines also need to be maintained to get the best results.