cabbage leaves for psoriasis

How to Use Cabbage and Its Leaves for Psoriasis

Can cabbage ease the symptoms of psoriasis? The simple answer is yes. It has been in use to reduce the pain, itch and scaliness caused by psoriasis since ancient times.

Psoriasis is basically an autoimmune disease, therefore it has no cure. The only thing your doctor or you can do is to control the symptoms of Psoriasis. Under such circumstances natural remedies are best suited in most cases of psoriasis as they generally have no serious side effects as the commercially available medicines have.

How Cabbage Can Help in Treating Psoriasis Rashes and other Symptoms?

cabbage for psoriasis infographic

Cabbage is a leafy green or purple color vegetable with very high Vitamin C and Vitamin K content and other antioxidants. It belongs to the same family of vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables known as cole crops.

Cabbages are rich in compounds called glucosinolates. These sulfur rich compounds are very good to reduce scaling of skin into white flakes.

Cabbage comes in 3 different colors, green, purple and white. All three varieties can help you ease symptoms of Psoriasis.


How to use Cabbage for Psoriasis to Reduce Swelling, Flaks and Pain

You can use Cabbage in the following different ways to deal with your psoriasis problems.

Cabbage increases your immunity that is why it helps in easing the symptoms of Psoriasis.

1. Eat Cabbage

It is very important to clean cabbages before eating as eating raw cabbages have been associated with outbreaks of E.coli and other infections.

  • Wash cabbage leaves with warm water.
  • Shred them and mildly fry in olive oil
  • Add them to salad and eat

2. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice is very good for Psoriasis.

  • Shred 209 grams of cabbages leaves
  • Toss them into a pan of boiling water
  • Let it simmer for 3-5 minutes to get rid of contaminants
  • Strain the water
  • Toss cabbage shreds to a blender mixer
  • Add one tablespoon of fresh organic aloe vera gel removed from a leaf
  • Blend well and drink the thick cabbage aloe vera juice. It may take some time to develop taste for this drink

3. Cabbage Compress

This is a topical application on the psoriasis affected area.

  • wash and clean a few thick cabbage leaves
  • Immerse them in boiling water for a minutes and remove
  • Dab them dry with cotton cloth
  • Apply on the psoriasis affected area in overlapping manner
  • Wrap them with a bandage
  • Keep it there as long as you feel comfortable
  • Replace them as often as you can until you feel relieved.

Other Tips and Suggestions

Cabbage is generally a very healthy vegetable and it should be part of your daily diet. If you have psoriasis then it's regular consumption becomes even more important. However, you should take the following aspects.

  • Excess consumption of cabbage can cause bloating, stomach gases and flatulence
  • Uncooked cabbage increases the risk of E.coli outbreak due to contamination occurring in many stages from harvesting to packaging and distribution.
  • Cabbage intake is associated with goiter formation due to presence of thiocyanate in iodine deficient people. Other cruciferous vegetables offer the same risks.

You can certainly eat cabbage and apply it as a compress to reduce symptoms of Psoriasis and increase your immunity. The Violet variety of cabbage has been found more useful but green and white also are good.