Beets for liver

Are Beets Good for Your Liver?

A strong and healthy liver effectively takes care of your digestive, heart and adrenaline health.

If you have been ignorant and hurting this important organ by eating junk food and by other abuses, then consider beet juice for liver detox. It adds a lot of extra healthy years to your life span.

What are Beets?

Beetroots or beets are a popular root vegetable around the world. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and other plant compounds of medicinal value.

Beets are delicious low calorie high nutrition roots that offer multiple health benefits.

The beetroot juice protects against high-fat diet-induced Oxidative Damage in the liver in mice, according to a latest study published in the Journal Nutrients in 2018. 

Nitrates and antioxidants such as betalains in the red beetroot juice may benefit heart health and reduce oxidative damage and inflammation according to a study published in 2015.


You can eat beets in many different ways. Cut and add to salad, roast, boil or cook to eat, or drink beetroot juice.

Are Beets Good for Your Liver?

Beets contain betalains and other phytonutrients that may cleanse and detox.

Other flavonoids in beets can promote antioxidant endogenous defense during a chronic inflammation process for the liver to fight with ill effects of the high fat diet.

In order to understand how beets cleanse the liver, we need to understand the role of this organ in our body.

The main function of the liver is to process what you eat and drink and filter out harmful substances from the blood.

The filtration process is constrained by the presence of unnecessary fat built-up in the liver. This causes inefficient removal of toxins from the blood leads to scores of health problems over a long period of time.

The damage is so subtle and gradual that it takes years before the symptoms appear. It is called fatty liver disease.

The most important thing about the disease is that it does not show any symptoms in 50% of the cases.

Once the initial symptoms of fatty liver disease such as abdominal pain, nausea and appetite begin to appear, proper diagnosis and treatment can stop and reverse the process in its early stages.


Jaundice is one of the most prominent symptoms characterized by yellowing of skin eyes and urine.

Untreated fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis that can reduce your lifespan.

People with high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and heavy alcohol drinking habits are at higher risk of developing the disease. The condition is called steatosis.

Luckily the liver is an organ like skin where regeneration occurs naturally. The problem occurs when the regeneration is incomplete due to the progression of the scar tissue.

The damaging agents can be excessive consumption of junk food, alcohol or a drug. Viruses that cause hepatitis can also induce similar damage in the liver.

A common fatty liver disease can be stopped and reversed by changing lifestyle and diet.

Beets are good for the liver. They help detox.

You can add beets to your daily diet. Stop eating junk foods and avoid alcohol. Since the liver is a self-generating organ, it can become completely new if you are disciplined about the detoxification process.

How Much Beetroot Juice is Too Much?

Beets are generally very safe vegetables. Too much of anything can be harmful, so eat beets in moderation to be on the safer side.

There is no scientific study that explains how much is too much.

A glass or two of beetroot juice daily is generally accepted by most bodies. If in doubt, check with your doctor for the recommended doses of beetroot juice in your specific case.

You can add ginger and lemon to add to the taste. Both these food items are good for the liver too.

Beetroot juice can make urine pink, but it is nothing to worry about.

But if your body is prone to kidney stones then you have to be cautious.

Beets can develop oxalates which can lead to kidney stones. In conclusion, beets are good for your liver. Add them to your daily dirt to stay healthy.


Lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid junk food and eat beets and other similar food that keep your liver healthy.

Beet Stalks and Leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) Protect Against High-Fat Diet-Induced Oxidative Damage in the Liver in Mice (

The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease (