Yogurt for yeast infections

Vaginal Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Vaginal yeast infections are generally caused by bacteria and fungi (Candida). It can also be caused by a sexually transmitted disease. Under certain moist and favorable conditions cause the bacteria or fungus to multiply rapidly inside the vagina causing infection.

Home treatments are effective in most cases of vaginal yeast infection. Men can also get genital yeast infection but it is more common in women as the moist vagina offers more conducive environment for the candida to grow.

The yeast infection is painful and itchy And produces a discharge.

There are many methods of treating yeast infection including home remedies. You can use one or more of the range of home remedies that suit you for your yeast infection from the options given below. In case the infection continues then visit your doctor.


What Causes Yeast Infections?

There are many causes of vaginal yeast infection. Some of the most common causes are discussed here. Generally either new yeast invades the vaginal area or already existing yeast multiplies to cause Vaginal Yeast infection.

Normally some yeast is always present in the vaginal area along with much higher strength of protective bacteria.

As long as the quantity of protective bacteria is sufficient no infection occurs. However, some times normal protective bacteria is destroyed particularly by antibiotics taken to cure urinary tract infection or any other infections.

During this period the yeast can multiply causing irritation, redness, itching and white discharge.

Statistically antibiotics are one of the leading causes of vaginal yeast infection.

Vaginal yeast infections can also occur with the use of other medications such as chemotherapy and consumption of cortisone-related medications. These medications affect the immune system and causes vaginal yeast infection.

Taking of oral contraceptives is also one of the causes of the infection. Douching which sometimes is used to cure vaginal yeast infection can become the cause of infection by impacting soft tissues in the vagina area.

It is important to know what causes vaginal yeast infection in your case, particularly if you are getting frequent infections. This will help you to prevent or cure it at the early stages.

Lack of proper hygiene is another common cause of vaginal yeast infection. Wet and moist panties are the incubator of Candida to multiply. Make sure that you underwear is made of cotton without chemical dyes and colors.

Clean the underwear and change them more frequently to avoid getting yeast infection.

Another less frequent cause for vaginal yeast infection is injury to the vulvar or vaginal membranes.


Whatever the cause of your vaginal yeast infection make sure that it is treated well and if it occurring frequently then you must know what causes it. Natural home remedies for vaginal infections can work well in most cases but you must take medical help if these remedies don’t work.

Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection

Most common symptoms of a yeast infection include irritation, itching and burning sensation. The redness can be seen in vagina, sometimes followed by a cheesy white discharge.

Treatment of vaginal yeast infection depends largely on the cause of the infection. However in most cases it can be cured without the prescribed medication.

There are many other infections that may mimic the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. It is therefore important to find out the underlying condition to give it the right treatment.

Bacterial Vaginosis is often confused with vaginal yeast infection as most of the symptoms are very similar. In fact in a study done by American Social Health Association found that 70% of the women make the mistake.

The question now is - What are those common symptoms of a Vaginal Yeast Infection that are also found in Bacterial Vaginosis and then how to differentiate between them to ensure correct treatment?

The symptoms vary from woman to woman. But the most common symptoms of both conditions are that they have a vaginal discharge and odor. In both cases generally pain is experienced during intercourse as well as during urination.

In addition to these common symptoms, vaginal yeast infection will also have Inflammation of the vulvar skin, vaginal and labial itching and burning and redness of the vulva.

Vaginal discharge is generally white and cheesy in most cases but in some cases it may be thin or patchy in the case of vaginal yeast infection. However in the case of Bacterial Vaginosis the discharge normally have a fishy smell.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a far more prevalent infection than the vaginal yeast infection.

Natural Home remedies work well with most vaginal yeast infections but if the symptoms suggest Bacterial Vaginosis then prescription medication may be required.

Doctors generally do a microscopic examination to find out the presence of bacteria.

Whatever is the infection or its symptoms, you should not take it lightly. Proper treatment is necessary to ensure better health and elimination of bigger underlying conditions if any.

How to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Following actions will help getting rid of the infection.

Eating yogurt has proved to be very beneficial. The yogurt must be natural with active culture but without any additives. Yogurt contains friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus which are helpful.

Eat 100gm of yogurt 3 times a day during this period. Applying yogurt in the affected area also helps. Apply with properly cleaned fingers and insert it inside the vagina also.

Regular eating of yogurt is any way a good food habit. This not only cures vaginal yeast infection but also prevents it from occurring.

Avoid eating sugar or sugary foods. Sugar helps yeast to grow therefore avoiding sugar reduces the growth. This means avoiding all sweetened products including juices.

Fruits and carbohydrates also need to be avoided to completely shut the necessary supplies to the yeast.

Garlic is known for its antifungal properties since ancient times. Take a fresh clove, peel it and wrap it in a thin disposable clinical fabric and insert it into the vagina. Do it during the sleeping time.

Wash your underwear in hot water and antiseptic solutions and dry them properly. Change your underwear at least 4 times a day during the infection period.

Use of any type of douche is not a preferable solution as douche is controversial and is being debated as more harmful than helpful in the long run.

Most Vaginal yeast infections will be cured by the above methods, however if your infection persists or you got it for the first time then you must take medical help to establish the nature of the problem before treating it as a vaginal yeast infection.