High BP and Stroke

Home Remedies for Stroke

When oxygen doesn't reach certain portions of the brain due to blockage of blood supply to that area, a stroke occurs. Stroke is also called Cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

Stroke is a medical emergency as it may cause paralysis of the body parts that the stroke impacted portion of the brain was controlling. Immediate treatment can save paralysis in many cases and the damage done to the body is minimized.

Stroke can be life threatening also, therefore as soon as you see the early warning signs call 911 who will have life saving equipment in the ambulance.

Recovery from stroke requires careful attention to the lifestyle changes. Following are some home remedies for stroke which will help to reduce the discomfort and ease the rehabilitation process.


But, Let us first look at the early warning signs of stroke , which can help you to avoid stroke and save all the trouble.

  • High Blood Pressure - This is the single largest contributor to most stroke cases. Keep your blood pressure under control and within the 140/90 limits to reduce the risk of getting a stroke.
  • Diabetes - Diabetes along with high blood pressure can be the biggest risk for stroke. Make lifestyle changes and use natural remedies for diabetes to keep you blood sugar levels under control.
  • Heart Diseases - Heart Diseases can push a blood clot to the brain which can block oxygen supply
  • Brain Aneurysms - These are balloons formed in faulty arteries which can burst and cause the stroke
  • Family History - Family history of strokes is also a big risk factor

In addition to these medical conditions some of the other risk factors are age( older age at more risk) , ethnicity ( African American is higher probabilities) , smoking, illegal drugs, alcohol abuse and obesity.

Life After Stroke - Recovery Process

Recovery from stroke can be partial of full, it may take days, weeks or years. It is also possible that the damage is so vast that the recovery never occurs.

Depending on which area of your body is affected the rehabilitation will be decided. Your speech and memory may have got affected, then speech and language therapists will help. Muscles and nerve problems will require physiotherapy.

Bladder and bowel movement will require deliberate timely efforts to retrain these organs. Swallowing and eating may require slow and concentrated efforts.

Your mental state may change affecting your behavior and judgement. All these things can be frustrating but with care and time things will improve.

It is not only the recovery alone but you should also make sure that another stroke doesn't occur. You will have to take medication as suggested by the doctors and remain under observation.

At the same time you will have to make the following lifestyle changes and remedies to avoid another incidence of stroke.

1. Exercise Regularly

Keep yourself mobile and train your body to remain flexible. A daily 45 minutes exercise and yoga and meditation will not only keep you calm and healthy but will also keep your blood pressure under control.

2. Eat Healthy

Healthy eating is always good but it becomes extremely important now. Eat low fat, omega 3 rich food.

  • Avoid red meat and sugary and starchy drinks.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce Salt intake
  • Eat nuts and seeds such as walnut.

3. Reduce Weight

Reduce weight if your are overweight or obese. Eating healthy and regular exercise will help you to reduce weight also but it may not be enough. You may have to do extra hard work on exercise and controlling your taste buds.

4. Manage Stress

Stress is a big contributor to increase your blood pressure which become a big risk factor for stroke.

  • Play light entertaining games
  • Learn to relax with yoga and meditation
  • Stop or reduce all competitive activities

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking is bad for lungs and arteries. Quit smoking.

In addition to these specific big changes in your lifestyle, you may also have to ensure that you do not get in to drugs and alcohol abuse.

Stroke recovery is prevention of recurrence is your main goal. Live a happy and disciplined life.