Asthma breathing difficulties

How to Prevent Acid Reflux to Induce Asthma Attack

Acid reflux and asthma are two different conditions which can coexist. Therefore, cures for both conditions have to be different.

There was a long standing belief that if a patient is suffering from both conditions, then acid reflux treatment can cure asthma as well. This belief is changed now as a result of many studies.

If an asthma patient is also suffering from Acid reflux and heartburn then the heartburn remedies will certainly relieve him/her of acid reflux symptoms. However, relief from acid reflux heartburn doesn’t really produce any asthma related benefits.


For years medical practitioners around the world are giving acid reflux medication to asthma patients with the assumption that it helps reduce asthma symptoms. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reveals that there is no connection between asthma and acid reflux.

This is one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject in which 402 patients of ages above 18 with poorly controlled chronic asthma were randomly given either 80 milligrams of esomeprazole or a placebo. Patients in both groups didn’t show any improvements in their lung functions or other asthma symptoms.

The study clearly established that esomeprazole was as bad as placebo to improve chronic asthma symptoms.

Many previous studies based on small sample size had established links between asthma and acid reflux. This comprehensive study certainly reveals more accurate findings.

Majority of practitioners have always felt that there is no clear cut connection between acid reflux and asthma. Their views are now vindicated by this study.

So if are suffering from chronic asthma and the next time your doctor prescribe heartburn medication to get relief from asthma symptoms, remind him this comprehensive study. Of course do take the medication if you have acid reflux also in addition to the asthma at that period of time.

Can Acid Reflux Cause Asthma?

The clear cut answer is no. Acid Reflux doesn’t cause asthma, but it can worsen Asthma if you already have it.


Acid reflux can occur to anyone due to eating habits or any other physical conditions affecting esophagus functioning. An asthma patient is no more or less prone to acid reflux as a normal healthy person.

However, acid reflux may cause injury to the lining of the throat which can make inhalation difficult and that can trigger asthma attacks. It certainly can worsen Asthma.

If you are taking medication for both then symptomatic relief from one perhaps may help in other, but this depends on many factors including severity of each condition at that moment of time.

Home Remedies to Relieve Acid Reflux Heartburn and Avoid Asthma Triggers due to Acid Reflux

Though there is no connection between Asthma and Acid Reflux in respect of whether one can cause the other, but there is certainly evidence that one can cause the other condition more difficult to manage.

If you take precautions to avoid acid reflux, then you certainly can avoid triggering Asthma.

Here is what you can do at home.

  1. Eat meals at least three hours before going to bed. The lying down position can increase acid reflux if you prone to acid reflux.
  2. Keep your head slightly above the rest of the body while sleeping. About 6 inches is enough. This will help the stomach contents to remain in the stomach. They will not come up. However, too much bending will put pressure on stomach triggering acid reflux.
  3. Always eat small portions of meals at a time. Filling up your stomach with lots of food is a sure recipe for acid reflux.
  4. Limit consumption of fatty foods, tea, coffee, chocolates, carbonated drinks and alcohol. Even use of tomatoes and citrus juices should be avoided.
  5. Stop smoking. It impacts both acid reflux as well as asthma.
  6. Reduce weight. Extra pounds around the belly will add pressure on the stomach.
  7. Wear loose clothing and ensure you tummy is not tightened by the pressure of the belt. Wear loose belt.

These acid reflux precautions will go a long way in reducing asthma triggers due to acid reflux.

If these measures don’t reduce acid reflux then take medical help but do make sure that your acid reflux doesn’t worsen your chronic asthma.