A child with SPD

Home Treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

In almost all cases of children of sensory processing disorder home treatment is essential. Parents must learn to understand the child's sensory processing difficulties and design creative ways to motivate the child to participate in fun filled sensory activities to let the child become normal over a period of time.

Parents are major contributors in the treatment of SPD.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder SPD?

Sensory processing disorder is a complex disorder of brain function that mostly affects developing children and adults.

The sensory processing disorder affects the way your child processes the information from the five senses. In addition the sense of balance, movement and position in space may also get affected.

Some children may become sensory seekers which means they need more sensory activities and the other children may become shy of certain Sensory Activities and may fear attempting these activities.

So you as parents have to really understand what is the case with your child. You should not get upset with your child. In fact you have to realize that if your child does not like to hear a certain sound or doesn't like a specific texture of a food item, then you have to accept it. Do not force the child as the child's brain is simply not ready to accept it and you can't force it as the child just can't understand why you are pushing him or her.


Child with SPD is not stubborn, he or she just doesn't understand the sensation or fear the sensation. That is why SPD is complex.

If you see your child is stretching the limits of normal behavior then keep a log of the behavioral issues and check with a pediatrician. He will be able to make out whether your child has SPD or he or she is just being difficult.

Once it is clear that your child has the sensory processing disorder then occupational therapy will be recommended. Most if this treatment for SPD can be done at home.

Home Treatment of SPD

If your child is Sensory seeking child then be part of fun activities with him. It means you have to now not only manage your own chores but be ready for the extras with your child. Make it all fun and play so that you can even enjoy it. Run and play with a child, jump on trampoline with her and involve the child in your work. Teach the child to do vacuum cleaning, let him do the kneading of flour etc.

If your child is avoiding certain sensory activities then the challenge is even bigger for you. For example your child may be afraid of certain sounds. You will have to filter out those sounds and gradually expose the child to the sound over a period of time in a manner that the child stops fearing the sound. You may require help from occupational therapist as you may not have such expertise. Ask your child to wear sunglasses if your child is afraid of bright light. Begin to play more with light and objects with light. Slowly increase the brightness with changing sunglasses.

Dealing with sensory processing disorder children requires patience and commitment.

Each child is different and each child with SPD us different so do not just stick to one method. Be creative in your approach by understanding your child's unique situation and deal with it.