Vomiting is unpleasant, yet in certain cases such as food poisoning, it is necessary to throw out. In most of the other cases vomiting is generally a temporary reaction to a body's problem.
Drinking too much alcohol, motion sickness, pregnancy, emotional stress and upset stomach are some of those problems that can lead to vomiting. Even seeing someone else vomiting can create an urge to vomit, and some people do end up vomiting as a result of this mechanism called mirror neuron system.
In some cases nausea will precede vomiting, and then it is easier to prevent it. in other cases , the following methods will help you to stop vomiting.
1. Prevention
Drink small amount of sweetened liquids such as fruit juices and soda pops. Don't use acidic drinks like orange or grapefruit juices which generally worsen the condition and increase vomiting. Sweetened liquids are better than plain water or milk. Ice cold liquids are even better. Sip it slowly rather than quickly gulping liquids.
Stop activities and rest. Motion nausea and vomiting sensation can go away if you stop driving or get out of the vehicle for some time and drink sweetened ice cold liquids and begin your journey after some rest, then you will stop vomiting. Resting in a sitting up position is the best way to rest and get relief. Lying down slightly propped up is also good.
If a mild food poisoning is causing vomiting then avoid eating the foods that don't suit you and maintain a suitable hygiene in whatever you eat.
Children are less tolerant to vomiting and get dehydrated faster. If common home remedies for vomiting are not working then consult doctor immediately because dehydration can be life threatening.
Vomiting like fever is a symptom, not a disease by itself. Sometimes vomiting can also be an early warning sign of one or more serious conditions. If your nausea and vomiting doesn't stop in a couple of days then you must visit your doctor.
2. Home Remedies
If you can't prevent vomiting then learn to stop it. Following home remedies will help.
1. Mint Tea
The aroma of Mint works on soothing the mind and stomach both. Therefore, it helps in preventing nausea and vomiting from morning sickness and motion sickness.
A drop of essential mint oil kept in a bowl of water and kept near the bed during the night of pregnant women daily can be useful in reducing the morning sickness in many cases. It slowly begins to produce results after 4th day in some cases, and no effect in the other. So it is a sort of method you need to try and see if it works for you in stopping nausea and vomiting.
Another method is to use mint tea. People from eastern Mediterranean countries believe in it. Mint tea is in their regular daily routine to soothe the stomach. If stomach is relaxed then the possibilities of nausea and vomiting reduces, hence this is a preventative method rather than curative to stop vomiting. You can drink 50-100 ml at a time by slowly sipping it. You can also keep the sealed jar in the refrigerator and drink it cold. Drink this 3-4 times a day to keep your stomach in good relaxed order and stop nausea and vomiting.
2. Rock Salt and Lemon
Lemon with rock salt combination works well in reducing vomiting sensation, although acidic citrus fruits usually should be avoided.
Add small quantity of rock salt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in water. Add sugar to taste. Mix it well and drink. This will not only reduce vomiting sensation but will also help regaining the lost electrolytes. The combination of sugar and salt also act as electrolyte to top up the salt and minerals lost during the vomiting. Therefore, this drink is also very useful even after you have vomited.
This is not only tasty drink but also is very effective in getting relief from vomiting.
3. Cloves
Clove is very powerful in some instances of stopping nausea and vomiting particularly during pregnancy and motion sickness during travel. You can consume clove in the raw or powdered or form. The fastest method is of course to get in the kitchen, grab a clove and keep it in your mouth. It will produce a nice aroma mixing slowly with your saliva.
Always keep a box of cloves handy if you have motion sickness. You can keep it in mouth even before beginning to feel nauseous. You can make and drink clove tea to stop nausea and vomiting. Pour 1 glass of fresh water in a heating pot. Add a bunch of cloves (about one quarter of teaspoon or 6-8 cloves. Heat it to boiling temperatures and simmer it for a couple of minutes. Let it cool, strain and sip it slowly. You will feel good and stop vomiting.
4. Ginger
Ginger has many medicinal benefits. It can be consumed fresh, dried, powdered and in the form of oil. Best form of ginger to use for stopping throwing up is tea made from chopped fresh ginger. You can sweeten it with honey or sugar to make it tasty. Also, you can add ice. Both sweetened and iced liquids are better for controlling vomiting.
If required, you can prepare a large quantity of ginger drink and store it in a container in your refrigerator for further use during the next couple of days to stop vomiting and nausea. You may be tempted to use the commercially available ginger ale sitting in your refrigerator for immediate use. If so, then take precautions to let all the fizz settle down after opening the can. Dilute it with an equal amount of water and sip it slowly.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many therapeutic capabilities to provide health benefits, getting rid of nausea is just one of them. It not only stops nausea and vomiting sensations as in motion sickness, but also helps prevent morning sickness in pregnant women.
If you are pregnant woman and want to reduce morning sickness, then sip this concoction every night before going to sleep.
6. Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds or powdered cumin seeds both can give instant relief from nausea and vomiting. Take a teaspoon of cumin seed powder in your mouth and let it slowly mix with saliva and move to your stomach through the throat without the effort of chewing or swallowing. The powder reacts with pancreatic juices to facilitate easy digestion, which helps in stopping vomiting.
You can also consume cumin seeds directly by chewing about half a teaspoon of them to get the same effect.
If you are already nauseated then sipping cumin tea prepared with boiling half a teaspoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water will help stop vomiting.
You would have observed that herbs aroma (ginger, cardamom and mint etc.) in tea along with sweetening effect of honey in cold liquid work in combination to prevent or stop vomiting.
7. Honey and Cardamom
Cardamom belongs to the ginger family of herbs therefore it is also a powerful ingredient to provide relief from the sensation of nausea and vomiting.
Many times it is just the feeling of nausea and vomiting that makes us uncomfortable but the vomiting may not occur at all. In such cases aromatic herbs such as cardamom is very useful. This should completely relieve you from the feeling of nausea if caused by basic benign reasons.If not see your doctor.
If none of the above help you to stop throwing up, then you must visit a doctor.