6 Banana Face Mask for Dry Skin


Whatever type of skin you have , the cold winter winds make your skin dry. And if you already have dry skin then you have to be extra careful in winter. You can also get dry skin due to certain medication, hypothyroidism and dehydration. When your skin gets dry it begins flaking and you get itching. Both men and women are equally affected. If you don't take care then it can lead to rashes, eczema and bacterial infections. The best way to deal with dry skin is to regularly use natural remedies such as bananas with other ingredients to keep it nourished and healthy.

Dry Skin

How Banana Helps Dry Skin?

  • Water in banana keeps the skin moisturised
  • Potassium in banana repairs the damaged skin
  • Vitamin E in banana fights free radicals
  • Vitamin B and E are also anti-aging

All these components of banana help you to rejuvenate your dry skin.


How to Use Banana to Treat Dry Skin


You can use bananas in a number of different ways. Some of the simple and effective ways to treat your dry skin with bananas are given below.

Egg Yolk

1. Banana and Egg Yolk Mask

Egg yolk contains fat Vitamin E and vitamin A. All these components help to boost collagen production as well as protect the skin from ultraviolet rays making your dry skin glow again.


  • 1 egg
  • ½ ripe banana


  • Cut half banana in small pieces and mash it well to make a smooth paste
  • Break the egg and remove egg yolk in a bowl.
  • Whisk the you well
  • Add mashed banana to whisked egg yolk and mix well
  • Apply on your face and leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash your face with mild soap and water


2. Avocado and Banana Face Pack

Avocado is very good for your skin hydration. The monounsaturated fats moisturize your dry skin and the oleic acid regenerates the damaged skin.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 ripe banana


  • Cut the ripe avocado in 2 house and remove the skin
  • Cut and add half banana and mash everything wealth make a homogeneous thick paste
  • Applying the face mask on your face and leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash your face with water
  • Do it twice a week


3. Yoghurt and Banana Face Mask

Protein calcium and Vitamin D rich yogurt nourishes your dry skin and keeps it mercerized. The lactic acid removes the dead skin and keeps your skin smooth.


  • 3 tablespoon of RAW organic yoghurt
  • ½ ripe banana


  • Whisk the yogurt in a bowl
  • Mash ½ banana and add to yogurt
  • Mix well
  • Apply on your face and leave it for 30 minutes
  • Wash your face
  • Apply every alternate day



4. Banana and Honey Face Pack

Antibacterial capabilities of honey and vitamin E from coconut oil helps to make your dry skin bacteria free as well as glowing.


  • ½ ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil


  • Mash ½ banana in a bowl
  • Add 1 tablespoon honey
  • Add one tablespoon coconut oil
  • Mix all well to make a thick paste
  • Apply on your face and keep it for 30 minutes
  • Wash your face with water

Full Fat Milk

5. Banana and Full Fat Milk Face Mask

Lactic acid in the milk and it's fat content clears dead skin from your face and nourishes your dry skin to get the lost glory.


  • ½ ripe banana
  • 2-3 tablespoons of full fat milk


Mash banana properly
Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of full fat milk to make a thick paste. 2 tablespoons of milk is generally enough but add some more if required.
Apply the mask on your face
Leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off with water

Banana Peel

6. Banana Peel Face Mask

Banana peel is a very powerful natural remedy to get rid of your dry skin. So next time when you eat bananas, you know what to do with banana peel.


  • Peel of slightly overripe banana


  • Remove peel from banana
  • Rub the meat side of peel gently on your face
  • Leave it 30 minutes
  • Wash off your face with water


Other Tips and Precautions

  • Don't scratch to remove the banana on your face. When a banana gets dry it might stick to your skin and apply more water to remove it.
  • Use natural moisturizers like coconut oil or almond oil after removing the face packs and one more time before going to the bed
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep your skin moisturized
  • Avoid excessive Sun exposure
  • Do not use Harsh Chemicals on your face in the form of toners astringents and fingers

Banana is available throughout the year so make it your go to remedy for dry