Broccoli for asthma

8 Ways to Get Rid of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that temporarily narrows and restricts airways causing wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath and formation of cough that finds difficulties in coming up.

A lot of home remedies work well to relieve the symptoms of asthma, but in severe cases of asthma you must use them under medical supervision.

Asthma attacks usually in the presence of irritants. Therefore, if you have asthma then you must avoid these irritants. Some of the most irritants are allergens such as dust, mites and pollen etc. Avoid stress as it may also be a major contributor to your asthma

It is not safe to confuse it with common cough. Asthma is more serious condition, and in extreme cases it can be life threatening. The main symptoms of Asthma include wheezing or noisy breathing, chest tightness and breathlessness. Some people may also cough. Most Asthma medication is dispensed through inhalers and many would love to get off their inhalers if they can.

Get Rid of Your Asthma Inhaler

You can reduce your medication or even get rid of Asthma by making some lifestyle changes and using natural remedies.

What Causes Asthma?

No one knows what causes asthma, but certain elements such as your genetics and environment can become major contributory factors. It flares up usually as an allergic reaction to pollutants such as dust, mites, smoke, pollen and mold etc. Anger, stress and hormonal fluctuations can also trigger an asthma attack. Sometimes it can erupt without any apparent cause.

Other triggers of asthma such as genetics and hormonal changes are generally beyond your control, so use the following remedies to prevent and get relief from chronic asthma. If you have acute severe attack then you must seek medical help.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Asthma

8 Home Effective Remedies for Asthma

Following natural products will give you relief from asthma symptoms.

1- Broccoli

Broccoli has been found to be very useful in the treatment of asthma by some Australian researchers. Broccoli contains L-sulforaphane which protects respiratory inflammation. Since most asthmatic attacks are caused by respiratory inflammation, any natural product which can reduce inflammation becomes a desirable home remedy.

  • Cut Broccoli sprouts in even size to fill up a cup
  • Keep a saucepan with water on the burner to boil the water ( You can use a steamer also)
  • Add the cut broccoli to the boiling water
  • Let it boil for 5-6 minutes
  • Pierce a fork into broccoli to check if it is done. If the fork can be easily pierced then switch of the burner
  • Let it cool for some time
  • Serve it on a plate and eat it


Eat steamed broccoli twice a day for best results. Though you can see immediate results, build it a regular habit to eat two cups of broccoli daily. Its inflammatory capabilities helps clearing the airways in the lungs over a period of time.

2. Carrot and Spinach

Carrot and Spinach juices make a good recipe for asthma. A combination juice is not only healthy but tasty two. You need to prepare the two juices separately as they require different juicing techniques.

  • Wash and clean two carrots and cut them vertically in two pieces each
  • insert the cut pieces into juice extractor and collect the juice.
  • Clean 200 gm of spinach leaves
  • put them in a mixer grinder and churn the grinder. (You can extract the juice in a juicer but yield in a mixer grinder is higher)
  • strain the grounded spinach through a fine meshed sieve to collect the juice in a glass
  • Mix the carrot and spinach juice by stirring well and drink

Once a day consumption of this juice is enough.

3. Basil leaves

Basil is an excellent to get asthma relief.

  • Take 30-40 clean Basil leaves
  • wash and rinse them clean
  • soak overnight in one liter of lukewarm water.
  • Strain the leaves in the morning and consume this water throughout the day

If you consume one glass at a time, then you should be able to finish the one liter basil water in 4 stages.

4. Drumstick Leaves

Drumsticks as well as drumstick leaves both are very useful natural remedies for many ailments. Drumstick leaves are very useful for asthma relief. A soup made from drumstick leaves works as a decongestant to clear airways in the bronchi.

  • Take a 200 gm of drumsticks leaves
  • wash, rinse and clean them in water
  • add a glass of water in a sauce pan and keep it on burner
  • Add the cleaned drumstick leaves in saucepan
  • put lid on cause pan
  • let it boil for 5-6 minutes then switch off the burner.
  • allow it to cool down a bit
  • add salt, pepper and 1/8 teaspoon lime juice.

Drink it lukewarm by enjoying every sip.

5 - Cabbage

Cabbage and its juice are great for both Asthma and bronchitis both of which affect the respiratory system.


Get rid of Asthma with Cabbage

Cabbage can be consumed in two ways.

  • eat cabbage as salad
  • cut 200gm of raw cabbage. Don't add anything to it. Not even add any salad dressing.
  • or make juice of 200gm of cabbage
  • sip the juice slowly

Eating raw salad of cabbage is tastier than the juice. Both are beneficial so you take what suits you the best.

6 - Cranberries

Though cranberries are potent healer for many ailments, its over consumption can land you in to problems. People with an allergy to Aspirin should not consume cranberry as it has similar chemical properties. Also people with kidney stones should avoid cranberries.

To get the best results

  • cook cranberries (fresh and frozen) in water.
  • mesh it make to make a thick syrup.
  • Consume 2-3 tablespoon a day.

7 - Bitter Gourd Roots

Get Rid Of Asthma Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is not easy to consume. As the name suggest it is bitter in taste.

  • make a teaspoon of bitter Gourd roots paste
  • mix it with equal amount of honey.
  • Take it before going to bed for a month.

All the above 7 methods are useful. Try what you like and be consistent. In addition, there is one more thing that you can do which is different as under:

8 - Mustard Oil

This is an external application to clear the respiratory irritants by massage. Mustard oil is an excellent relief treatment for asthma attack. Mix a little camphor in hot mustard oil and vigorously massage on the chest.

Asthma should be taken seriously. Sometimes the asthma attacks can choke breathing. If breathing is completely choked then it can be fatal. However, there is no need to be over worried as most asthma attacks are a temporary discomfort. Particularly those asthma attacks, which are triggered by environmental reasons, goes away as the source of irritation is removed.

Many people whose jobs or houses are in such an environment, should seriously consider changing jobs and shifting house. However, economic conditions sometimes force you to continue to stay where you live or work. Under those circumstances you should be extra careful to take care of your Asthma.