Vertigo is an Ear Problem

7 Home Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning while remaining stationary. It is caused by a problem with the inner ear or brain. Home remedies can help with vertigo symptoms.

Vertigo is the malfunctioning of the vestibular labyrinth region of the ear. You lose your sense of balance, dizziness sets in, and you begin to see everything around you spinning irrespective of whether your eyes are open or closed.

There are many food items and herbs that can help you to regain your balance lost in vertigo. Once you begin to feel the initial symptoms of dizziness, take immediate action.

The most frustrating part of vertigo is that it can be triggered at any time and is not linked to any specific activity or circumstances. This unpredictably beginning episode may last for just a few minutes or longer periods.

Some of these home remedies for vertigo can be taken immediately as soon as you get a bout of vertigo and the others are preventative. Some of them will do both jobs efficiently. Depending on availability at the time of your vertigo attack, you can choose from a range of items that can solve your problem.

What Causes Vertigo?

Vertigo is a disconnected sense of movement. You may be standing still or sitting in a chair, but you feel that the world is spinning around you. Your head is just giving you a sense of motion, which doesn't exist. It may be followed up with symptoms of dizziness and nausea.

Vertigo also known as benign positional vertigo or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is usually caused by a fluid imbalance in the labyrinth system of the inner ear. A small crystal of calcium gets loose in the inner ear fluid and you begin to feel the symptoms of vertigo. The labyrinth system is responsible for maintaining the balance of the body. It usually occurs when you tilt your head or get up from the bed, but it can strike you at any time also.

Your consuming alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and certain medicines can cause you vertigo. So, you know what to do. Just give up these items. Easier said than done, but you have to do it.

Temporary conditions such as lack of sleep or even excessive bed rest can trigger vertigo.

Some of the health conditions such as anemia, blood vessel disease, brain tumor, calcium deficiency, dehydration, diabetes, head injuries, high cholesterol level, infection in the inner ear, Meniere's disease, migraine, motion sickness, multiple sclerosis, poor vision, and thyroid disease can also be responsible for your vertigo. Check it out with your doctor.

Vertigo is not a life-threatening condition but is a frightening experience. It can lead to accidents if it happens when you are driving or crossing the road.

Go for natural treatments because they don't have any side effects. The prescribed drugs for vertigo are usually tranquilizers which have long-term negative effects on your brain and body.

Here are some self-help and home remedies for vertigo.

7 Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Faster Recovery from Vertigo

Since the bouts of vertigo are unpredictable, you should learn to help yourself when it occurs. Self-help is the best remedy in such instances, particularly when no other help is available.

vertigo home remedies infographic

1. Self Help

There are several things you can do to reduce the intensity and period of vertigo. First of all, don't panic. The following will be helpful.

  • Drinks lots of water. Remaining fully hydrated not only reduces the intensity but also can prevent frequent occurrences.
  • Stop walking or any other activity that requires movement of the body. Don't stand or sit, just lie down with your head at a slightly elevated position than the rest of the body.
  • Don't drive. You may cause accidents.

Once you become aware that you are suffering from vertigo and it can happen at any time, you should take precautions to avoid triggering it.

  • Avoid sudden jerky movements.
  • Don't just jump out of the bed, instead slowly rise from the sleeping position to the sitting position and then leave the bed.
  • Don't play fast action games such as table tennis.

Dehydration is one of the main causes of vertigo, so your best preventative bet is to get rid of dehydration by drinking enough water every day.

2. Relaxation Exercises


If your mind and body are relaxed then you will not have many medical problems. Regular practice of relaxing the mind will reduce your vertigo and may even cure it completely. Do deep breathing exercises for 5-10 minutes twice a day. Sit comfortably in one place. You don't have to sit down on the floor. You can sit on a chair and do it.

  • Close your eyes and slowly exhale.
  • Keep exhaling until you can then...
  • Slowly inhale.

This slow exhaling and inhaling are important for deep breathing. While you do it slowly you also do it deeply.

Sleep well. Follow the general rule of not eating anything 3 hours before going to bed. Fix a bedtime and follow it consciously. This will completely stop vertigo bouts in the mornings.

The whole objective of doing relaxation is to ensure good blood supply to every part of the body including the inner ear where vertigo begins. If nothing works then contact your doctor for guidance.

3. Ginger

Ginger is one of the most effective cures for vertigo. Its use is also supported by many medical researchers. Ginger is anyway used for treating nausea and motion sickness for centuries, so its usefulness in the treatment of vertigo is obvious.

You can take ginger in any form- tablets, capsules, tea, or candy. If you are taking tea then you can take it as many times as you can and as much as you can. There are no side effects. At the most, there can be temporary stomach upset, which goes away after some time or eating food.

4. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba improves blood circulation. When the blood supply reaches the inner ear, the symptoms of vertigo reduce. You will not feel dizzy or nauseated. You must carefully read the instructions on the Ginkgo bottle. Ginkgo is available in capsules as well as liquid form.


Ginkgo is preventative also. Therefore a regular dose should be taken particularly if your blood pressure is high. This will lower the blood pressure and ensure the supply of blood to the inner ear.

5. Lemon

Drink lemon juice. Ask someone to squeeze a fresh lemon and add it to one glass of water. You can add a pinch of black pepper powder and rock salt.

6. Strawberries

Raw fresh strawberries are great tasty fruits that can instantly help you to feel comfortable from vertigo. Cut and toss half a dozen fresh strawberries and half bananas in 250gm of fresh yogurt and put it in a grinder mixer to make smoothies. Don't add any kind of sugar or sugar-free sweeteners. You can add ginger juice to the smoothie. Drink it slowly and enjoy the taste. You will feel less nauseated and your dizziness caused by vertigo will reduce.

You can also eat fresh strawberries to get relief from Vertigo.

vertigo home remedies

7. Watermelon Seeds

Eat roasted watermelon seeds. Make sure that they are not salted. Nutrients such as vitamin B, niacin, potassium, and iron help reduce dizziness caused by vertigo. Therefore all fresh vegetables and fruits that contain these nutrients are good for vertigo.

If vertigo is caused by any other underlying conditions such as neurological conditions, multiple sclerosis, or simply high blood pressure, then those underlying conditions must be treated. Check it out with your doctor and ensure that your bouts of vertigo are not caused by any serious illness. Once that is clear then you don't need to worry too much as vertigo is not a life-threatening condition.

Be careful when you get a bout of vertigo as the loss of balance can cause accidents. Stop driving if you have been driving to save others from hitting your vehicle which may lose balance due to your dizziness. Stop walking, if you are on the road. Take a seat and relax before moving forward otherwise you may fall and hurt yourself.


All these home remedies for vertigo can help help you to feel better. Try one or more of them to figure out which one suits you the best.