Tomatoes for prostatitis

7 Natural Remedies for Prostatitis - Enlarged Prostate

Prostatitis is enlargement of the prostate gland - a component of man's reproductive system. The walnut shaped prostate gland wraps the urethra adds semen fluid to sperm.

The gland enlarges with age and in some cases the enlarged prostate clamps the urethra and restricts the flow of urine leading to difficulties in urination, leakage and urinary tract infections. It can lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and even cancer.

There are many herbal and natural remedies to treat prostatitis, but none of them have been approved by the medical fraternity. Your use of these remedies should be done under the monitoring of a doctor.

There are different variations of the disease. It can be acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis, asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Bacteria is generally responsible for all this but stress and trauma can aggravate it.

1. Water


Water is the number one treatment for inflamed prostate. Drink more water, urinate more frequently and keep the urinary system functioning effectively. The whole urinary system becomes more efficient once a proper drinking habit is developed.

Everyone requires to drink 8-10 glasses of water to remain fully hydrated. The enlargement of prostate tries to calm down the urethra, but when the water pressure keeps the muscle around the urinary tract working and strengthening its capacity to resist the clamp down by the enlarged prostate.

Drink 1 glass of water every hour throughout the day. Even if your prostate is not enlarged, drink more water to reduce the probabilities to get prostatitis.

2. Turmeric

Curcumin in turmeric has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic capabilities. It helps reducing the inflammation of the prostate. You can add turmeric powder to a glass of water or milk and drink it two times a day.

If you do it one time in water and the other time in drink then it is even better. Add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder in warm water or warm milk to make a concoction. Drink it warm. it will not only reduce the inflammation of the prostate but it will improve your immunity and save you from other bacterial infections such as sore throat.

3. Tomato

Lycopene in Tomato helps strengthening the prostate gland. Tomatoes are tasty vegetables/fruit. Eat a tomato each 3-4 times a day. Make slices, remove seeds and eat it with salad. Tomato has oxalate which can cause kidney stones.

Therefore, if you drink a lot of water as suggested earlier and eat tomato then you will not develop kidney stone but delay aging of prostate gland. If it is enlarged it will reduce the growth.

4. Red Grapes

Red Grapes are another good source of lycopene. They are seasonal and may not be available everywhere but if get them eat them. 250 grams a day of red grapes will keep your prostate gland healthy.

5. Pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds are healthy for prostate glands. Eat pumpkin seeds raw, add to salad or boiled in milk and drink. Raw pumpkin seeds added to salad which also has tomato is the best combination to cure enlarged prostate.

6. Watermelon

Both watermelon and watermelon seeds are useful in protecting your prostate health. Watermelon a lot of water which balances the ph value of the urine in the bladder due to its unsaturated fat content.

7. Sesame

Soak 50 grams of sesame seeds overnight to make them soft. Chew them in the morning. Daily consumption of sesame seeds will improve your prostate gland health.