eczema on face

How to Treat Eczema on Face

You are more likely to experience eczema on face in your early childhood than as an adult. You may outgrow it before becoming an adult.

However, in some cases it may flare up later in life. If it flares up on the face then it really becomes tough to manage it. You have to treat the symptoms of eczema as the underlying condition is most likely going to stay.

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. The skin becomes red, itchy and dry. It can be a chronic condition for many and they are at higher risks of developing other allergic conditions such as hay fever and asthma.

There are two main causes of eczema. One is genetic and the other is overactive immune system. Eczema may flare up due to stress, heat and sweat, cold and dry climate and contact with wool or synthetic cloths.

The first symptom of eczema is itching followed by rash and thickening of patch of affected skin. It can appear anywhere on the skin but usual places are hands, legs, neck and face.


If you scratch it then the dry patches of skin can get infected due to open sores. You can use many home remedies to treat eczema, but if you do not see the results then you must see a skin specialist. If you have a family history of asthma or eczema then you have to be more careful.

How to Treat Eczema on Face

Although eczema symptoms are experienced on the skin, you have treat eczema from inside out also. In addition to a topical application to soothe the itch, you also have to attack the root cause by improving your immunity and digestive health. 

1. Probiotic

Improving your digestion by balancing the bacteria in the intestine solves many health problems. Eczema and psoriasis are some of the skin conditions that improve when metabolisms is perfect.

Add organic yogurt in your daily diet. 250gm yogurt daily will improve your condition. Yogurt contains probiotic- which is good bacteria. This neutralizes bad bacteria and maintains a balance. You will get better within a month of starting the daily consumption of organic yogurt.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is best bet to reduce the itch and hela eczema naturally. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on the eczema patch. It will keep the skin soft, remove the itch and heal the patches of eczema.

Dry skin in cold weather creates fertile ground for eczema. Any irritant such a swollen synthetic fiber will induce itch and eczema rashes will soon appear. A thin layer of coconut oil acts as a protection against such irritants.

3. Warm Bath and Moisturizing

Take a warm bath or shower to clean your body. Do not overindulge in a warm bath as it dries out the skin. A short and quick warm bath is goodFor eczema.

Immediately after drying your body after bath, you should moisturize your entire body with natural creams. Coconut oil is the best. You can also use Aloe Vera.

Precautions to Heal Eczema Fast

In addition to the above remedies you should also take some precautionary measures to ensure that eczema doesn't flare up. The following precautions will help you to heal eczema fast.

Reduce stress

Stress has a significant adverse effect on the skin health, so it worsens the eczema. Stress doesn't cause eczema but it becomes a big stumbling block to heal it fast. 

Use every possible method to reduce stress. Remain generally in a cheerful mood. Keep yourself active but do not get involved in rigorous physical activities. Sweating worsens eczema. Mild exercises are better for eczema sufferers.

Avoid Thermal Shocks

Sudden changes in temperature and humidity can flare up eczema. Excessive temperature can also be bad for eczema. 

By using the above remedies and precaution hopefully your eczema is healed. If the above measures do not show any signs of improvement then meet your dermatologist.