Walk to improve metabolism

How to Boost Your Metabolism

You can boost your metabolism by different methods including changing lifestyle. It may not be right to blame your family alone for your slow metabolism. Though you may be genetically predisposed for slow metabolism, you can do a lot to change that genetic code.

Your metabolic rate, slower or faster is influenced by genetics, age, gender and body size. It is a rate at which your body converts fuel to energy. This rate also determines how easily you will lose or gain weight and what are risks for developing diabetes.

A slew of new research suggests that regular strenuous exercise can significantly improve your metabolism that has become slower due to aging.


Changing your eating habits and some adjustments to lifestyle can boost your metabolism and you can feel healthy again.

5 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

What you eat and how you eat has a big impact on slowing or speeding up your metabolism. Your lifestyle sedentary or active may have significant impact on your metabolism. Both these issues that impact your metabolism are in your control so let us work on them to boost your metabolism.

1. Have a good night Sleep

Sleep well. This is the time when the body repairs itself. Metabolism for both men and women who do not get good night sleep has been found to be slower.

The reason is simple. Brain which gets signal that the body is not sleeping well, considers it a stressful situation and releases cortisol. The hormone cortisol has been linked to slowing down metabolism both in short and long run.

So sleep well...

Get to bed early. Do not eat anything before 3 hours of going to sleep. Go some meditation and deep breathing before going to sleep. Do not read on computers or mobile phones before going to sleep.

2. Increase Physical Activities

Your inactive life can ruin your metabolism. It can give you diabetes and heart problems. Your weight may increase. So do not be a couch potato. Get involved in some physical activities.

If you are a person who has to sit on the table for long hours in the work time, then you are considered a sedentary working person. Your metabolism will gradually slow down as you age. It will be much slower than someone of your age who is physically active.

Any physical activity such as regular walking for 45 minutes daily, swimming, playing outdoor games and taking small breaks between work and walk around every one hour within your confined office space will give you sufficient physical activity.

This increased physical activity will improve blood circulation resulting in better oxygen supply to body cells and increase your metabolism.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress is an outcome of modern lifestyle that is increasing over decades. People have more stress than they used to have during the last century.

Stress causes metabolism problems.

Stress causes the brain to release cortisol which slows down metabolism. learn every technique that can help you to reduce stress.

Do not get into a situation where you have stress to reduce stress. Stress reduction will also happen if you were sleeping well and exercising well. There are multiple methods of relieving stress. learn these techniques of fdep breathing and meditation to reduce your stress instantly.

4. Spicy and Pungent Food

Spices increase metabolism. Capsaicin in red chilies increases body temperature and helps in speeding up burning fat. That is why it also helps in losing weight.

Pungent foods such as spicy mustard, wasabi, and horseradish contain chemicals called isothiocyanates are also responsible for increasing the body's metabolism.

So if you can add both these ingredients in your food, then you are increasing possibilities to boost your metabolism. The impact spicy and pungent food on metabolism is temporary so do not use this as the sole method of increasing your metabolism.

5. Protein And Calcium

Calcium helps improve your metabolic rate so you can add dairy products in your daily diet. Calcium helps cells to breakdown fats so you will get that benefit is increasing metabolism.

Proteins burns almost double the calories than carbs as your body tries to digest these items. S o include two fish based meals per week will do help you to increase metabolism. Take salmon or tuna into consideration as these fishes are rich in Omega3 fatty acids which increases fat burning enzymes in the body.

6. Eat Frequently

Eating quantities and frequencies have a big impact on your metabolism. Eating smaller portions many times a day instead of just 3 square meals will certainly increase your metabolism. Add two healthy snack times between your meals and reduce consumption of food during the main meals.

This will force you to eat smaller portions 5 times a day.

You should also eat something within the 1 hour of waking up for your metabolism to remain efficient. If you can manage to discipline yourself with the following timing for these meals and snacks then you will achieve the objective of boosting your metabolism within a week.

  • 6-8 a.m Breakfast
  • 10 am. Snack
  • 12-2 a.m. Lunch
  • 4-5 pm Snack
  • 6-8 pm Dinner

Do not skip any food time. Go to bed by 10-11pm. Have a sound 7-8 hours sleep.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

The impact of apple cider vinegar on boosting metabolism is debatable and not very conclusive. However, there is no doubt in its fat burning capabilities.

The way apple cider functions helps in weight loss is important. It acts as an appetite suppressant.

Here is how you should use apple cider vinegar for weight loss and metabolic rate booster

  • Add 1-2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water
  • Drink it 15-30 minutes before eating lunch and dinner

People with the habit of overeating will benefit more than any other category of people here.

You would have by now, realized that boosting your metabolism requires a lot of planning and follow through actions.

If you do all the above then you will be able to see the improvement in your metabolism almost immediately. You will feel much better and energetic.

You will feel and see your body feeling much relaxed and energetic when the above becomes your daily habit.